In this clue from our South of Market/ATT Ballpark event, you’ll learn a bit about old San Francisco!
A short video with some fun effects was made at the location of your solution for this clue. Go to the URL below and click on the link you’ll see on the web page.

Use location clues in the video to determine where it was made. As a head start, your street name is also a nickname for LeBron James.
Locate the exact spot the video was made and you’ll see information in the ground (partially shown below).
Within this information, you can tell me:

What year appears in the bottom line of this information?

1926. Watching the video, combined with the hint about the street name (LeBron James' nickname is the "King") will lead you to King Street across from ATT Park - the plaque you will see a plaque relating the history of this area, and a quote from the South of Market Journal from 1926.

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