Sample Clue – A Tribute to Heroes

To locate this memorial to fallen heroes of ’06, start on a road whose name, when letters are added to the beginning or end, could be a sudden attack or the equivalent of 4 pecks.
Between the Oscar-nominated stars of “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” (also spent some time in the desert) and the original version of “A Star is Born” (also visited the earth’s core), who is quoted in reference to Dennis T?
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Answer: George Sterling Start at a street containing the letters of a "sudden attack" or amBUSH - or 4 pecks (BUSHel). On Bush, you would look for the streets of Elizabeth Taylor (nominated for "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?". She also played Cleopatra - hence the desert reference.) The other street mentioned would be Mason, for James Mason, who was nominated for an Academy Award for the original version of "A Star is Born" and also starred in "Journey to the Center of the Earth". Between Taylor and Mason, along Bush, you will see an old firehouse with a large plaque dedicated to Dennis T. Sullivan, a hero of the struggle to fight the great fire of 1906.

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